IRCRAM:(International Research Center for Robot and Additive Manufacturing 4.0) – Regione Lombardia Open Innovation MA1 - 2019-22): The purposes are: (i) to develop innovative product solutions in the field of ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING and HEAVY ROBOTICS for the processing of advanced materials for large parts. The introduction of automation solutions in these sectors makes it possible to improve the level of safety, giving the possibility of delegating the most dangerous tasks to robots and automated systems, interconnected in the network and programmable remotely. (ii) To carry out specific analysis, aimed at reducing noise in machine tools to be obtained with the introduction of innovative vibration damping solutions by applying ANT (Active Noise Control) and AVC (Active Vibration Control) techniques, to define appropriate interventions to be made to the machine structure and '' identification of the critical monitoring points.
EU Horizon 2020 Project
(Advanced Robotic Technology for Handling Soft Materials in Manufacturing Sectors - H2020-NMBP-FOF-2019 RIA GA869855 2019-23) is an industrial-end-user driven project that will provide an innovative and holistic robotic system for the handling of flexible and deformable materials within labor-intensive production processes. The robotic system will be composed by three main pillars including a generic robotic perception system (perception of the product and the human operator), a multi-sensor control and planning platform (advanced control algorithms for shape and contact servoing, AI based task generalization) and smart dexterous grippers (smart mechanical design which will embody grasping/manipulation skills and integrate sensors – mainly tactile – for identifying precisely the contact state between the product and the gripper) able to handle soft components with high-levels of robustness and flexibility.