The Industrial Robotics Facility (InBot) tackles the challenges of bringing current robotics research to mainstream industrial use cases. Thus we bridge the gap between the academic and industrial forefronts, and specialize in the automation complex labor intensive tasks. These tasks are normally require dexterous motion and compliant material handling. Consequently our research goals are also aligned towards dexterous manipulation, elasticity and compliant material control.
The industrial robotics unit is, and has been, involved in many (National and International) Projects, as well as industrial collaborations. Some of the outcomes of these activities can be seen in form of Prototypes, Patents and Papers. Please refer to the related pages to see their details.
Industrial Robotics Facility
Xu L., Heravi F.N., Lahoud M.G., Marchello G., D'imperio M., Abidi S.H.J., Farajtabar M., Martini M., Cocuzza S., Scaccia M., et al.
Development of a Flexible Assembly System for the World Robot Summit 2020 Assembly Challenge
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 35, (no. 1), pp. 51-64
Fontana E., Farajtabar M., Marchello G., Lahoud M., Abidi H., Meddahi A., Baizid K., D'Imperio M., Cannella F.
Wrinkle-Free Sewing with Robotics: The Future of Soft Material Manufacturing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14157 LNAI, pp. 142-155
Martini M., Scaccia M., Marchello G., Abidi H., D'imperio M., Cannella F.
An Outline of Fused Deposition Modeling: System Models and Control Strategies
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), vol. 12, (no. 11)